Poptoys Club - Discount Program
To unlock:
Create and Account and subscribe to our newsletter
- 3% discount on the whole catalog
- Priority Assistance
- Free Shipping from € 79.90
To unlock:
Make Your First Purchase
- 5% discount on the whole catalog
- Priority Assistance
- Special Preorder Prices
- Free Shipping from € 79.90
To Unlock:
Spend € 299.90 / Year
- 8% discount on the whole catalog
- Priority Assistance
- Special Preorder Prices
- Pre-order installments
- Free Shipping from € 79.90
To Unlock:
Spend € 499.90 / Year
- 10% discount on the whole catalog
- Priority Assistance
- Pre-order preemption
- Early Access To Preorder
- Pre-order installments
- Free Shipping from € 79.90

To participate, simply create an account on our store, subscribe to the newsletter and make the first purchase, in this way you will be automatically qualified for the First Level
If you have made a purchase without registering or purchased on Ebay, write to us at club@poptoys.eu indicating your order number and your email address to be associated with the account and we will send you an invitation to create an account and apply the discounts to your account
The calculation of the annual expense for the GOLD and Platinum levels is made on purchases of the last 365 days, it means that you will be qualified for the platinum level if in the previous 365 days you have made purchases for at least € 499.90
Once qualified for a level the discount will be automatically applied to your account, by logging in the discount will be applied automatically at the Cart
The login must ALWAYS be done before proceeding to checkout, otherwise the system will not recognize the prices indicated to you, it is therefore advisable to log in and then add the products to the cart
Write to us at club@poptoys.eu we will be happy to help you